A gentle body and movement-based approach to emotional and physical well-being

Now offering virtual private sessions, classes and workshops.
Please contact me if interested.
Feldenkrais® for Musicians
The Feldenkrais Method of movement education can be very helpful to you in your quest for fluid, dynamic, expressive playing.
With Feldenkrais you will:
Become aware of and release habitual patterns of body tension that can interfere with optimal performance.
Increase easy mobility and solid groundedness.
Prevent repetitive stress injuries and heal current ones.
Learn to use your whole body to support the very specific movements needed to play your musical instrument.
Reduce unnecessary effort and summon just the energy and intensity you want and need to play more expressively.
Group Classes and Workshops*:
Awareness Through Movement®
Group lessons of unique gentle movement sequences done lying down, sitting or standing, that introduce new patterns of coordination and address the whole body.
See Class Schedule for more information.
*Workshops can be organized for your school or music department.
Private Sessions:
Functional Integration®
Tailored to your specific needs, these sessions involve both gentle hands-on and guided movement to bring about musculoskeletal, neurological and functional improvements.